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Save Big With Bulk Discounts
The Low Maintenance Media!-Sold by the Pound
Stainless Steel Shot is the ideal choice of media for burnishing. Our tempered stainless steel shot is Made in the USA and will impart a uniform scratch free work hardened surface on all metals. Steel shot requires more attention than stainless steel shot, as regular steel shot must be cleaned and stored in a protective solution after every use or it will rust and be ruined. Stainless steel shot is more expensive, but it requires only the occasional cleaning. Otto Frei's stainless steel mixed shot is a combination of balls, pins and diagonals.
Stainless Steel Shot works great in rotating tumblers and in the proper vibratory tumbler. Be sure to check your vibratory tumbler's weight capacity before using steel shot in it, as some vibratory tumblers do not have enough weight capacity to handle the correct amount (1/2 to 3/4 full) of steel shot.
Click here for Steel Media Specifications.