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Save Big With Bulk Discounts
This very popular liquid hard soldering flux from Grobet provides excellent firecoat protection. Griffith brand pre-mixed Prip's flux from is perfect every time-no need to mess with mixing your own and not getting the formula just right. Griffith brand Prip's flux is a liquid hard soldering flux that prevents the formulation of firecoat and firescale during soldering. Use before primary flux for firescale protection. Contains boric acid. Fluoride-Free.
Choose from 2 sizes:
I have so many different fluxes. Handi, Staysilv, My-T-Flux, Cupronil, Dandix, Firescoff. The only one that works like Prip's is Firescoff and it's much pricier. You need to heat your metal and spray several times while heating gently (works best in a spray bottle, you need to buy one) until it's blanketed in white and it really keeps that firescale away and makes solder flow. So glad to have found this stuff!