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These are the original Knew Concepts Saw Frames, also called Fret Saws, with a screw tension. Knew Concepts calls this their economy model. It provides extremely precise blade tensioning simply by turning the knurled tension nut at the top of the frame.
Saw frame flex in the basic jewelers saw frame can contribute to blade breakage. With the advanced design of the Knew Concept Sawframe, saw frame flex is minimized, reducing sawblade breakage and maximizing sawblade life. The Knew Concepts Jewelers Precision Saw Frame is designed for maximum rigidity and comfort.
Choose from 2 Different Throat Depths:
Even the smallest detail of the Knew Concept Sawframe has been thought out:
The frame is made of heat treated aluminum and is designed to eliminate flex while being the lightest sawframe on the market today. Because the rigid frame will not flex, the traditional method of tensioning the frame against your chest to fit new sawblades is not used. The Knew Concepts precision sawframe incorporates a unique knob tensioning system that makes mounting the saw blade easy-without the usual dents in your sternum.
The Knew Concepts saw frame is sold with detailed instructions for use, as securing and tensioning the sawblade is done differently than conventional saw frames. Here is a link to a FAQ page that will help visually explain how to adjust and tension the Knew Concepts saw frames.
When balance, feel, lightness, and stiffness are critical to the user, then this is the jewelers’ sawframe for you
Looking for an 8" throat depth Knew Concepts saw frame? The original version of this frame has been replaced by the new Mk IV Heavy Duty versions, part number 149.6808 and 149.688CS. They both feature the new heavier and stronger frames that improves accuracy through less possible flexing that can happen with these deeper throated fret saws.