E. C. Muller Straight Liner Gravers
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3+ | 5% |
5+ | 10% |
10+ | 12% |
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3+ | 5% |
5+ | 10% |
10+ | 12% |
Understanding Liner Gravers
Defined by widths of cutting edges and number of lines graver will cut at one stroke. The “width” refers to the size of the lines and the space between them, not just how wide (true width) the markings a graver will make is. To determine the true width of a liner graver, use the width chart to find the size of the distance between lines and multiply by the number of lines.
The first number is the width number, the second number the distance between the lines
6 .080mm, 8 .100mm, 10 .125mm, 12 .150mm, 16 .200mm, 18 .227mm, 20 .250mm
For Example-a 10 x 12 liner graver will be 1.5mm "true width" (12 lines x .125mm = 1.50mm) a 20 x 20 liner will be 5.0mm "true width" (20 lines x .250mm = 5.00mm.
Please note-"true width" refers to the width of the cut the graver makes in your metal, not the width of the graver itself. Measurement are approximate. We are dealing with an ancient system here.
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