E. C. Muller Gravers Carbon Steel Half Point-Size 3-Right & Left
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Edward C. Muller Half-Point shape engravers are made in the USA from American made carbon steel. The Half-Point graver is half a onglette shaped graver, and is flat on one side and onglette (bowed) shaped on the other. The right half point graver is bowed on the right side while using the graver and the left half point graver is bowed on the left side while the graver is being used. E.C. Muller is the only maker of half point gravers. For jewelry, silverware, watch case copper and steel plate, linoleum cutting, artist etc.
The Edward C. Muller Corp. was established in New York City in 1898 by Mr. Muller, who learned his craft from the Swiss-German Masters of the late 19th century. EC Muller Corp has developed a worldwide reputation for manufacturing high quality professional hand engraving tools.
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